Elementary Counseling

Quote of the Week

"Being honest in your heart feels better than ice cream."

-Talking with Trees Books



Social-emotional learning is a key component in your child's education. Part of my day is spent educating our students about how to recognize, manage and express feelings. 

Did You Know:

Did you know that reading with a child impacts social and emotional development?

Reading a story creates space for kids to imagine themselves inside the story. This allows them to develop empathy as they experience the lives of other characters and can identify with how they are feeling.

Reading Support Social Emotional Learning 

A cancer diagnosis can be very difficult for a family to navigate. It can be especially difficult to tell your child that their loved one has terminal cancer. That said, there are many ways to support your children as they face the challenge of a sick loved one. Learn more about tips you can use when talking to your children about cancer.

Useful Resources


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