LD/ELL Learning Services
Quote of the Month.
"In diversity there is beauty and there is strength." Maya Angelou.
ELL Home Support: Want to help your child language skills at home but are not sure how to do it? Feel free to drop a line to our ELL Specialists Nicole at nicole.eckhardt@acslp.org or Grecia at grecia.molina@acslp.org for strategies that push your children to improve their English in an effective way.
LD Support: Want to push your child's development at home? Have specific questions related to helping your child thrive in academics? Contact the counselor Any at anamaria.urquidi@acslp.org, or our LD specialists Ana at ana.monroy@acslp.org and Yali at yalile.chalan@acslp.org for guidance.
LD: Strengths of People with ADD/ADHD
An ability to hyperfocus and superstar creativity
A real resilience and persistence
A sparkling personality
Generosity and compassion
A strong sense of fairness
Willingness to take risks
Spontaneity and contagious motivation
Great sense of humor
Their life is full of surprises
Prone to romanticism
Engaging conversational skills
Have a different perspective
'Are highly organized, punctual, and generally responsible'... Ha! gotcha!
Read the full article by Additude Editors here.
Creating a learning environment that encourages integration to learning, to an additional language and to culture while maintaining respect for the students' pride in their own learning, language and culture.
Enabling English Language Learners and Learning Diversity Learners for social and academic thriving.
ELLs: Strategies to Support them
Speak slower, not louder
Provide outlines, advanced organizers, or visual guides
Write down key terms on the board
Integrate games
Read written instructions. Repeat.
Write key concept vocabulary on a Word Wall
Integrate listening centers
Model new skills
Extend test time
Don't rescue ELLs when they struggle to speak - smile, relax feet, face and hands, and wait
Provide exemplars of successful projects
Let students use their home language in the classroom to solve work
Use pictures, sketches
Make videos of presentations for ELLs to roleplay if needed
Liberally use checks for understanding
Pair up ELLs with strong oral and written English skills
Share a picture glossary
Teach with cooperative learning
Provide opportunities for low-stakes writing
Read the full article by Todd Finley (2014) here.
Useful Resources
Sites & Links:
Colorin Colorado. A bilingual site for educator and families of English Language Learners. http://www.colorincolorado.org/